Remedy is a program that was created by Developing Narratives offering art therapy in the forms of photographic and creative writing workshops. Remedy currently caters for three demographics of kindergarten, mothers and seniors, with each program being designed appropriately. for their age.

Art therapy is an evidence-based intervention that was developed in the mid 1940's to support adults and children with any mental health concerns they may have.

By encouraging self-discovery and emotional growth, clients visualise and create a representation of thoughts and emotions that they may not be able to verbally articulate.

Remedy will assist clients to access their own image making and creative writing abilities by collaboratively exploring the meaning of their images and/or literature. Clients may use the workshops as a tool to reflect on past and present relationships and personal experiences with the guidance of our trained facilitators.

Our facilitators support the processes of emotional growth and self-discovery by providing clients with a safe, reliable, and comfortable environment. This space will allow he client to create and use photographs and/or creative writing to develop insight into their own thoughts and emotions.

Remedy is designed to assist its clientele with achieving positive personal change.

By Tamara Hardy